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Arts Workshop Series

An experience designed to generate thinking through creativity and collaboration led by artist Richard Haynes. Free and open to the first community members ages 12+ who sign-up. No arts experience, only open minds, required.
Workshop Details and Dates. All participants must commit to all workshops.

Sunday, February 4th, 1-4pm,  DISCUSSION

What does racial diversity mean to us in our culture? What do we know about our culture’s perspectives on diversity of race and ethnicity? 


Tuesday, February 6th, 5:30-7:30pm,  DISCUSSION

What does racial unity look like and what would it take to achieve it? What stands in our way? 


Sunday, February 11th, 1-4pm,  DISCUSSION

How do we represent racial unity in our community/state/country? Conclusion of racial unity  

conversation and moving into introduction to the art process, building visual representations noted in our discussion.  


Tuesday, Feb 13th, 5:30-7:30pm,  ARTWORK SESSION

Introduction to the art process 


Sunday, Feb 18th, 1-4pm,  ARTWORK SESSION

Designing the visual conception 


Tuesday, Feb 20st, 5:30-7:30pm,  ARTWORK SESSION

Finish designing the visual conception, Beginning to create artist color studies 


Sunday, Feb 25th, 1-4pm,  ARTWORK SESSION

Creating artist color studies 


Tuesday, Feb 27th, 5:30-7:30pm, ARTWORK SESSION

Continuing color studies 


Sunday, March 4th, 1-4pm, ARTWORK SESSION

Finishing artist color studies 


Tuesday, March 6th 5:30-7:30pm, ARTWORK SESSION 

Projecting final line images on watercolor paper 


Sunday, March 11th, 1-4pm, ARTWORK SESSION

 Coloring final images 


Tuesday, March 13th, 5:30-7:30pm, ARTWORK SESSION

Coloring final images 


Sunday, March 18th, 1-4pm, ARTWORK SESSION


Tuesday, March 20st, 5:30-7:30pm, COLLABORATIVE MURAL

Trace and begin painting final piece 


Sunday, March 25th, 1-4pm, COLLABORATIVE MURAL

Painting final piece 


Tuesday, March 27th, 5:30-7:30pm, COLLABORATIVE MURAL

Painting final piece 


Thursday March 29th (if needed, optional) COLLABORATIVE MURAL

Finish painting final piece/final touch-ups 


Completed by beginning of April 

Goal: March 30th 



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